Center Break Isolator and double Break Isolator
These disconnectors are , no load switching devices
which physically isolate the lines. They are designed for
horizontal outdoor application and can also be designed
for vertical installation. For earthing and closing of
switchyard portions of the installation, the earthing
switches are provided on disconnector. If required.
The following documents were referred to during the preparation of this specification. In case of conflict, the provisions of this specification shall take precedence.
IEC 129:1975: Alternating Current Disconnectors (Isolators) and Earthing Switches
IEC 60694:2002: Common Specifications for High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear
BS 729: Hot dip galvanized coating on iron and steel articles
Isolator (Disconnector) - a mechanical switching device which provides, in the open position, an isolating distance in accordance with Electrical Safety requirements.
The isolator shall be suitable for continuous operation outdoors in tropical areas at altitudes of up to 2200m above sea level, humidities of up to 90%, average ambient temperature of +30ºC with a minimum of -1ºC and a maximum of +40ºC and heavy saline conditions along the coast.
4.2.1 The Isolator, Solid Link shall be designed and constructed in accordance with IEC 129 and IEC 60694.
4.2.2 The isolating link shall be of the vertical opening, designed for single phase manual operation. It shall be easily removed and replaced by using a portable operating rod.
4.2.3 The isolating link shall incorporate double porcelain insulators to suit voltage requirements and mounted on hot dipped galvanised steel under base suitable for vertical mounting.
4.2.4 The isolating link shall be arranged so that each unit is mounted independently on an angle bracket. It shall be supplied complete with the angle bracket and accessories suitable for mounting on 'U' type steel channel. The drawings to be submitted shall indicate all the applicable mounting positions.
4.2.5 The isolator shall be designed such that in fully open position, it shall provide adequate electrical isolation between the contacts on each phase. It shall conform to the requirement as single point isolation for safety.
4.2.6 All steel parts shall be hot dip galvanized to BS 729. The minimum coating of galvanizing required is 80 microns.
4.2.7 The solid link shall be removable from the mounting by use of operating rod.
4.2.8 All current carrying parts of the isolator shall be made of high conductivity material.
4.2.9 The isolator shall be fitted with clamp connectors for Aluminium (ACSR) conductor of Aluminium (ACSR)conductor of up to 18.2mm diameter.
The rating of the complete isolator shall be as follows: -
Rated voltage
36 kV
Rated frequency
50 Hz
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
200 kV
Rated power frequency withstand voltage, dry
95 kV
Rated normal current
400 Amps
Rated short time withstand current for 3 sec, min.
18.0 kA
Minimum creepage distance of insulators
900 mm
1 | Description | | Solid link assembly complete with link rated at 200A and mounting bracket to PIESA 002. (See Figure 1 to Figure 12 below) |
2 | System conditions of service a) nominal Voltage (Un) r.m.s | kV | 11 |
b) maximum system voltage (Um) r.m.s | KV | 12 |
c) earthing | | Effective & non effective |
d) Frequency | Hz | 50 |
3 | Site conditions of service a) altitude | m | 1400 |
b) Operating Ambient temperature | °C | -1 to 40 |
c) Humidity | % | 85 |
4 | Rating | | |
a) Nominal voltage | kV | 11 |
b) Rated current | Solid link | A | 200 |
Cut out base | A | 200 |
5 | Electrical components | | |
a) Insulator material specification | | Porcelain |
Dielectric strength | | |
Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50) | kV | 95 |
Power frequency wet withstand voltage r.m.s | kV | 28 |
6 | Specific creepage distance | mm/kV | 25 |
7 | General information to be provided with bid: Drawings and brochures showing outline and general arrangement | Yes/No | Yes |
| b) Detailed drawings of all items showing critical tolerances to be provided with bid | Yes/No | Yes |
8 | Previous Type test report/certificate on complete solid link assembly to be provided with bid | Yes/No | Yes |
10 | Routine tests (acceptance tests on sample Product) to be provided on delivery | Yes/No | Yes |
11 | Applicable standard | | PIESA 002 |
12 | Other applicable standards | | NRS 035 SABS IEC 60282-2 SABS IEC 60186 BS 137 part 2 |
T RI-LINKS Lot 3-(a) 11kV with interrupters N/O | DETAIL | | DATA |
1 | TYPE | | 11kV pre-assembled gang operated overhead line load break switch complete with expulsion interrupters |
2 | Mounting configuration | | Horizontal |
3 | Mode of operation | | Manually operated pole mounted linking rod and handle with locking facilities |
| a) nominal Voltage (Un) r.m.s | kV | 11 |
b) maximum voltage (Um) r.m.s | KV | 12 |
c) earthing | | Effective & non effective |
d) Frequency | Hz | 50 |
e) rated current | Amp | 400 |
f) Fault closing capacity | kA | 12.5 |
4 | Site conditions of service a) altitude | metres | 1400 |
b) Operating Ambient temperature | °C | -1 to +40 |
c) Relative humidity | % | 85 |
5 | Electrical components | | |
a) Insulator material specification | | High Temperature Vulcanised Silicon rubber |
b) Cross arm and operating controls materials | | Hot dip galvanized steel to SAN760 |
Dielectric strength | | |
Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50) | kV | 95 |
| Power frequency wet withstand voltage r.m.s | KV | 28 |
| Short time current rating -1sec | kA | 12.5 |
6 | creepage distance | mm/kV | 25 |
7 | General information to be provided with bid: Drawings and brochures showing Outline and general arrangement | Yes/No | Yes |
8 | Previous Type test report/certificate on complete assembly to be provided with bid | Yes/No | Yes. |
9 | Routine tests (acceptance tests on sample Product) to be provided on delivery. | Yes/No | Yes |
10 | Applicable standards | | IEC62271 |
W ater sh all not be able to accumu l ate on a ny p art of the equip m ent nor sh all a ny f eatu re in trodu ce mo isture in to a ny compo n ent.
The d esign sh all inco rpo r ate all re ason able p r e c aut ions and p rovis ions for the s af e ty of p ersonn el co n cer n ed with the oper at ion and main t en an ce of the s a m e.
The cur r ent path sh all be su ch that load cur r ent sh all on ly flow through high condu ct ive mat eri als su ch as copp er and i ts al l o ys. Lo ad cur rent shall not be p ermit t ed to flow through f er rous components, spr ings, or sp rin g -load ed m e ch anis ms.
All lo ad cur rent p aths sh all be so d esigned th at t he r ele v ant pa rts of the s wi t ch are c ap able of car r ying the s p ecifi ed r a t ed cur r ent wi thout ex c eeding the p ermit t ed temp er ature ri s e.
Suppl i ers should give suf fic i ent info rmation in cl uding dr awings ( which must be b rie f, cl e ar and to the poin t) on how th eir switch d esigns add r esses th ese r equir ements. Furth er, Supplie rs m ay o ff er b et t er al t ern at iv es that are of cost be n e fi ts to customer, It is therefore imperative that schedule "B" is completed by the tenderer. Any deviations/modifications/alternatives specification must be listed in schedule "C.
33 kV with interrupters N/O | DETAIL | | DATA |
1 | TYPE | | 33kV pre-assembled gang operated overhead line load break switch complete with expulsion interrupters |
2 | Mounting configuration | | Horizontal |
3 | Mode of operation | | Manually operated pole mounted linking rod and handle with locking facilities |
| a) nominal Voltage (Un) r.m.s | kV | 33 |
b) maximum voltage (Um) r.m.s | KV | 36 |
c) earthing | | Effective & non effective |
d) Frequency | Hz | 50 |
e) rated current | Amp | 200 |
f) Fault closing capacity | kA | 12.5 |
4 | Site conditions of service a) altitude | metres | 1400 |
b) Operating Ambient temperature | °C | -1 to +40 |
c) Relative humidity | % | 85 |
5 | Electrical components | | |
a) Insulator material specification | | High Temperature Vulcanised Silicon rubber |
b) Cross arm and operating controls materials | | Hot dip galvanized steel to SAN760 |
Dielectric strength | | |
Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50) | kV | 170 |
Power frequency wet withstand voltage r.m.s | KV | 70 |
| Short time current rating -1sec | kA | 12.5 |
6 | creepage distance | mm/kV | 25 |
7 | General information to be provided with bid: | | |
| Drawings and brochures showing Outline and general arrangement | Yes/No | Yes |
8 | Previous Type test report/certificate on complete assembly to be provided with bid | Yes/No | Yes |
9 | Routine tests (acceptance tests on sample Product) to be provided on delivery | Yes/No | Yes |
10 | Applicable standards | | IEC62271 |
W ater sh all not be able to accumu l ate on a ny p art of the equip m ent nor sh all a ny f eatu re in trodu ce mo isture in to a ny compo n ent.
The d esign sh all inco rpo r ate all re ason able p r e c aut ions and p rovis ions for the s af e ty of p ersonn el co n cer n ed with the op er at ion and main t en an ce of the s a m e.
The cur r ent path sh all be su ch that load cur r ent sh all on ly flow through high condu ct ive mat eri als su ch as copp er and i ts al l o ys. Lo ad cur rent shall not be p ermit t ed to flow through f er rous components, spr ings, or sp rin g -load ed m e ch anis ms.
All lo ad cur rent p aths sh all be so d esigned th at t he r ele v ant pa rts of the s wi t ch are c ap able of car r ying the s p ecifi ed r a t ed cur r ent wi thout ex c eeding the p ermit t ed temp er ature ri s e.
Suppl i ers shou ld give su ffi cient info rmation in cl uding dr awings ( which must be b rie f, cl e ar and to the poin t) on how th eir switch d esigns add r esses th ese r equir ements. Furth er, Supplie rs m ay o ff er b et t er al t ern at iv es that are of cost be n e fi ts to custoemr.
11 kV without interrupters N/O | DETAIL | | DATA |
1 | TYPE | | 11kV pre-assembled gang operated overhead line switch without expulsion interrupters (non-load break switch) |
2 | Mounting configuration | | Horizontal |
3 | Mode of operation | | Manually operated pole mounted linking rod and handle with locking facilities |
| a) nominal Voltage (Un) r.m.s | kV | 11 |
b) maximum voltage (Um) r.m.s | KV | 12 |
c) earthing | | Effective & non effective |
d) Frequency | Hz | 50 |
e) rated current | Amp | 400 |
4 | Site conditions of service a) altitude | metres | 1400 |
b) Operating Ambient temperature | °C | -1 to +40 |
c) Relative humidity | % | 85 |
5 | Electrical components | | |
a) Insulator material specification | | High Temperature Vulcanised Silicon rubber |
b) Cross arm and operating controls materials | | Hot dip galvanized steel to SAN760 |
Dielectric strength | | |
Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50) | kV | 95 |
Power frequency wet withstand voltage r.m.s | KV | 28 |
| Short time current rating -1sec | kA | 12.5 |
6 | creepage distance | mm/kV | 25 |
7 | General information to be provided with bid: | | |
| Drawing and brochures showing Outline and general arrangement | Yes/No | Yes |
8 | Previous Type test report/certificate on complete assembly to be provided with bid | Yes/No | Yes |
9 | Routine tests (acceptance tests on sample Product) to be provided on delivery | Yes/No | Yes |
10 | Applicable standards | | IEC62271 |
W ater sh all not be able to accumu l ate on a ny p art of the equip m ent nor sh all a ny f eatu re in trodu ce mo isture in to a ny compo n ent.
The d esign sh all inco rpo r ate all re ason able p r e c aut ions and p rovis ions for the s af e ty of p ersonn el co n cer n ed with the op er at ion and main t en an ce of the s a m e.
The cur r ent path sh all be su ch that load cur r ent sh all on ly flow through high condu ct ive mat eri als su ch as copp er and i ts al l o ys. Lo ad cur rent shall not be p ermit t ed to flow through f er rous components, spr ings, or sp rin g -load ed m e ch anis ms.
All lo ad cur rent p aths sh all be so d esigned th at t he r ele v ant pa rts of the s wi t ch are c ap able of car r ying the s p ecifi ed r a t ed cur r ent wi thout ex c eeding the p ermit t ed temp er ature ri s e.
Suppl i ers should give suf fici ent info rmation in cl uding dr awings ( which must be b rie f, cl e ar and to the poin t) on how th eir switch d esigns add r esses th ese r equir ements. Furth er, Supplie rs m ay o ff er b et t er al t ern at iv es that are of cost b e n e fi ts to
33 kV without interrupters N/O | DETAIL | | DATA |
1 | TYPE | | 33kV pre-assembled gang operated overhead line switch without expulsion interrupters (non-load break switch) |
2 | Mounting configuration | | Horizontal |
3 | Mode of operation | | Manually operated pole mounted linking rod and handle with locking facilities |
| a) nominal Voltage (Un) r.m.s | kV | 33 |
b) maximum voltage (Um) r.m.s | KV | 36 |
c) earthing | | Effective & non effective |
d) Frequency | Hz | 50 |
e) rated current | Amp | 200 |
4 | Site conditions of service a) altitude | metres | 1400 |
b) Operating Ambient temperature | °C | -1 to +40 |
c) Relative humidity | % | 85 |
5 | Electrical components | | |
a) Insulator material specification | | High Temperature Vulcanised Silicon rubber |
b) Cross arm and operating controls materials | | Hot dip galvanized steel to SAN760 |
Dielectric strength | | |
Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50) | kV | 170 |
Power frequency wet withstand voltage r.m.s | KV | 70 |
| Short time current rating -1sec | kA | 12.5 |
6 | creepage distance | mm/kV | 25 |
7 | General information to be provided with bid: | | |
| Drawing and brochures showing Outline and general arrangement | Yes/No | Yes |
8 | Previous Type test report/certificate on complete assembly to be provided with bid | Yes/No | Yes |
9 | Routine tests (acceptance tests on sample Product) to be provided on delivery | Yes/No | Yes |
10 | Applicable standards | | IEC62271 |
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load-break disconnector switches
are designed for low-load breaking
overhead MV electrical lines. Equipped
with an air-break technology system
combined with an isolating switch in
series, this device provides visible opening
and great safety in operation.switches are suitable for overhead
distribution networks up to 36 kV, and
especially those requiring a high level of
insulation: • No maintenance required •
Easy pole top mounting • Line works can
be carried in safe conditions thanks to the
visible opening and high level of
insulation • A manual control mechanism
is available with a rod assembly and
padlockable lever • Whip breaking system
• The ISAR-A switch control mechanisms
are equipped with a tumbler spring
system which directly operates the mobile
shaft. The operating speed is not
dependent on the operator • Height of the
pole from 11 to 14 m • Porcelain
insulators as per standard CEI 60273 Technical Characteristics Rated voltage: 24 kV / 36 kV Rated current: 200 A / 400 A Breaking capacity: 80 A Rated peak closing
capacity: 25 kA This equipment is fully compliant with international standard (IEC